Solarium Research

Solarium Facility logs

Failed Test Log #1

We attempted to make a cure that'll stop the crystal infection before its last stages, though it has failed miserably. Once we got a willing test subject, we got them in skin contact with the contaminated crystal. Once it gotten to its early stages, we then pumped the 'cure' into their blood system.It appeared to make the infection symptoms worse, causing the crystals on their body to grow larger, causing more wounds to their body. They were losing blood rabidly. We tried everything we could to stop the infection, but with no avail. They died before they reached the "crystal beast" stage.

Welcome to the bestiary, USER!!

Lumen Tails

Canine-like quadrupedal creatures composed of a goo-like substance with double pair of ears, Lumen Tails are often dubbed the prototype of the well-known Essense Tails. They have been noted to be very docile, the younger ones being child-like in nature and the older ones being more relaxed and stationary.Despite their docile, relaxed nature, they have to be heavily contained due to the goo substance they are composed of appearing to cause severe flesh-eating disease when in contact. If you see any redness and swelling accompanied with pain after contact with the goo, seek treatment immediately.

Essense Tails

Essense Tails are bipedal canine-like creatures that are similar-looking to Lumen Tails with a few differences. Essense Tails instead have a triple pair of ears, with black, hollow eyes that always leaks liquid, feathery arms with claw-like hands, and a parapent that attached itself to the tail. Interestingly, the parapent tail they have appears to not affect them negatively in anyway.These creatures were apparently created by an experiment gone wrong, when a scientist fused a Lumen Tail with a test subject and a parapent, causing a fusion with the 3, which created the Essense Tails. The scientists thought the Essense Tails were going to be docile like the Lumen Tails, but instead were very aggressive and according to tests, they seem to see species beside their own as prey items and nothing more. Mixed with their aggression and flesh-eating goo, they are among the most dangerous creatures of the facility. Avoid at all costs.


Parapents are parasitic, small creatures with a snake-like appearance. They have no eyes, only a mouth to use their tongue to smell things around like a snake would. They are nocturnal creatures that prefer to stay active during the night, looking for a host they can latch on too, as they are weak without one.

Mysterious Crystal Infection


Despite Cosihara and Eteris now in a state of peace, that wasn't the case during Zemliya's war. The leaders were both greedy for power among another, often fighting in various ways to get rid of the opposing town. Cosihara attempted to use mutated creatures made from harsh experimentation (which were created at Solarium facilities), while Eteris used their own residents directly.The biggest conflict, however, happened at the flower fields, a plain biome with flowers where both town residents can hang out.